Privacy Policy

At NAHEE, we deeply respect the privacy of every visitor to our website,, and all its subdomains, web pages, documents, and submission forms. Your trust is important to us, and we’re committed to protecting your information while ensuring you have full control over the personal details you share with us and the communications you receive.

Your Information, Your Control

First and foremost, we want to assure you that we do not share, rent, or sell your personal information to any third party. Your data stays with us, period. If you ever want to see what personal data we have stored, modify it, or have it completely deleted, just ask. We’re here to help and will fully comply with your requests.

What We Collect and How We Use It

We collect two types of information: non-personal and personal.

Non-Personal Information: This includes your IP address, the pages you visit, and any content or documents you download. This data helps us understand how visitors use our site so we can make it better.

Personal Information: This includes your name, address, telephone number, and email address. We collect this data to fulfill your requests for more information, process your donations, gather feedback, and send newsletters.

We don’t handle your financial information directly, like credit card details or bank account numbers. Instead, we rely on trusted, secure payment processors like PayPal to handle these transactions. Rest assured, we only work with external parties that have strong data protection policies in place.

Want to Update or Remove Your Info?

You have the right to access, verify, correct, update, or remove your personal information and preferences at any time. Simply contact us. And if you prefer not to receive any communications from us—whether by email, postal mail, or phone—let us know. We respect your choices and will make sure your preferences are honored.

Cookies: Helping Us Help You

We use cookies to make your experience on our site better. Think of cookies as a way for our website to remember your preferences and past visits, helping us tailor content to your interests. Don’t worry, we never save passwords or credit card information in cookies. Cookies are like the friendly shopkeeper who remembers your name and your favorite coffee order—making your visit smoother and more enjoyable.

Our Commitment to Data Security

We take your privacy seriously and have put robust measures in place to protect your information. Our security practices include physical, electronic, and managerial procedures designed to prevent unauthorized access and maintain data integrity. All emails and newsletters from our site give you the option to opt out of future mailings, ensuring you stay in control.

Sharing Information: When It’s Necessary

While we protect your data diligently, there are rare occasions when we may need to share information. This happens only when:

  • Permitted or required by law: If the law says we must share information, we comply.
  • Preventing fraud or unauthorized transactions: To protect against potential fraud or investigate incidents of fraud that have already occurred.

Think of this as a neighborhood watch program where we share information only when it’s necessary to protect everyone’s safety.

Links to Other Websites

Our privacy practices apply solely to, its subdomains, web pages, and directly downloadable content. If you follow links to other websites, please check their privacy policies. We don’t control these sites and can’t vouch for how they handle your information.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. When we make changes, we’ll post them here, and your continued use of our site means you accept these changes. We encourage you to review this policy periodically to stay informed.

At NAHEE, we believe in transparency and respect. Your privacy is not just a policy to us; it’s a promise. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to ensure your experience with us is safe, secure, and satisfying.